Bharat Chudasama

Director and financial planner
Reviews and Ratings for Financial adviser Bharat Chudasama, Leicester

Contact Bharat

About Bharat

Bharat has worked in financial services for more than 20 years, 18 of them as a financial adviser.

In the past, Bharat worked for some of the business banks and building societies in the industry. But his long-term dream was to set up his own business, which he achieved in 2017 when he established Tudor Franklin with Richard.

Bharat enjoys working with anyone he can help to provide financial solutions for, including business owners, high net worth individuals and people approaching or in retirement. He specialises in Inheritance Tax and pension advice.

The thing Bharat loves most about his job is helping clients and making a difference to their lives. He also enjoys being able to help and mentor college students.

Bharat is a fully qualified independent financial adviser, and an affiliate of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

At home, Bharat has two young girls, Freya and Belle. He loves spending quality time with the family.

Keeping fit is Bharat’s main hobby. He also enjoys holidays, football, food, and socialising.

One of my proudest moments as a financial adviser was winning Employee of the Year when I worked at a national building society.

What clients say

Tudor Franklin gives us reassurance that our money is being looked after.

Alan & Cheryl

Talking to Tudor Franklin has been really reassuring.

Claire & Gavin

Tudor Franklin has given us confidence for the future.”

Jenny & David

Tudor Franklin makes us feel confident and relaxed.

Robert & Tina

Tudor Franklin makes us feel very happy and secure.

Annette & Jim

We feel safe and secure with Tudor Franklin.

Namita & Ranjit